SASEG Student Grant Geo-energy


What is the SASEG geo-energy student grant?

The SASEG geo-energy student grant is designated for MSc and PhD students of Earth Sciences at Swiss Universities.

The goal of the grant is to:

  • Support research in the field of geo-energy related matters in Switzerland
  • Support the training of the next generation of geo-energy professionals in Switzerland
  • Give talented young geoscientists visibility within the professional network of energy geoscientists      


Who can apply?

The applicants must fulfil the following conditions in order to qualify for the grant:

  • Registration as a Master or PhD student in a Swiss university or technical college.
  • The grant must be used towards a thesis project relevant for geo-energy matters, such as geothermal resources, hydrocarbon resources, geological storage of energy (e.g. heat, gas, compressed air) or of energy by-products (e.g. nuclear waste, CO2).


What can the grant be used for?

Typically, the student grant was used in the past to contribute to costs of data acquisition (see list of grant alumnis) and analysis and travel costs and fees for attendance at relevant conferences and courses. Other usage is possible if it contributes to the goals of the grant.


How big is the grant?

Each spring two grants of maximum 1'000 CHF each are awarded.


How to apply?

Please download the pdf form (here), fill it in and send it to, together with a motivation letter, a short CV and a letter of support from the research supervisor. Deadline for application is March 31  each year.      


What happens after the grant is awarded?

The successful applicants are invited to present the results of their thesis at the yearly SASEG convention to a crowd of geo-energy professionals.